Gillian Updates

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Remember our Jordan Updates? Here we go again...

Friends and Family-

Three and a half years ago you stood by us and helped us through a very tough time in our life. With God's help and yours as well, we are all doing well.

So what are the odds that we would have another big challenge with our second baby? Forget the odds because we have problems.

Yesterday we had an ultrasound that showed our new baby has spina bifida. We have the most severe form that is called Meningomyelocele (pronounced muh-NING-go-my-uh-low-seal) but we have it in the best possible location -- very low on the spine. So where do we go from here?

We are being considered by UCSF for inclusion in a study called MOMS (Management of Meningomyelocele Study) that may involve having prenatal surgery to improve the outcome for our baby. We won't know if we will be accepted into the study until we have the results of the amnio back. We must also pass an evaluation to see if we meet the other criteria for participation.

We haven't picked a name yet -- we were waiting to learn if we were having a boy or a girl. We think we are having a girl.

Folks, I am ready for another set of miracles. I will admit this has not been an easy day, but in my heart I know that God has a plan for this child and I should praise him that he would entrust us to be part of his plan.

We would covet your prayers for these specific things:

1. That God would cause a miracle to occur and that our baby would be healthy.
2. That we have strength to make it through this very tough time
3. That we would be able to continue being good parents to Jordan

Please feel free to forward this email.


Todd, Christy, Jordan, and Baby-O.


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