Gillian Updates

Monday, June 06, 2005

Monday is a good day

So we just got the prelim read of the head CT and Gilli's ventricles are still in the 13-14cm range. From our POV, this is yet another miracle since the last prenatal head CT estimaed the size of the ventricles was 16-17cm. So, how about that!

I've been searching for an economical way to post more picture of Gilli but this quest has proven difficult. I hope to make more headway and show you more pictures of our daughter.

We have been starting to be a bit more firm with the UCSF folks so that we can better understand the requirments and milestones we need to achieve so that we can all go home.

Over the next few days, can you please pray for the following:

1. That we would get into the familiy house near the hospital.
2. That we would learn when we are all going home.
3. That Gilli's back would continue to heal
4. That the other spina-bifida kids would also be healed.

We've made some new friends here @ UCSF. Faith and Kyrsten are two other girls who have SB. All of the girls have had corrective surgery and are doing fairly well. Please pray for Faith that she would be able to go home soon. Also pray for Kyrsten that she would grow and develop and also be able to go home soon as well. Kyrsten had fetal surgery and was delivered at 31 weeks.

Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers.

Todd & Christy


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